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Hannah Horne
Oct 11, 20233 min read
Natasha and Kitty's empowered birth story: A calm pool hypnobirth
Natasha joined Hannah, Birth Wellbeing Midwife, for her first hypnobirthing course during her fifth pregnancy. Every pregnancy and birth...
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Hannah Horne
Jun 12, 20233 min read
Catherine and Baby Violet - A Positive Hypnobirth following Induction of Labour
Catherine was in her second pregnancy when she joined Hannah, Birth Wellbeing Midwife for a hypnobirthing refresher course. Catherine...
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Hannah Horne
Feb 10, 202316 min read
Lizzy and baby Cormac - A change of birth place and an empowering hypnobirth experience
Lizzy and Adrian joined Hannah, Birth Wellbeing Midwife, for a Private Hypnobirthing course in May 2022. During the course they decided...
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Hannah Horne
Jan 12, 20233 min read
Bridget and baby Maisie - A Positive Induction of Labour & Birth using hypnobirthing
In her second pregnancy Bridget joined Birth Wellbeing Midwife for a private hypnobirthing refresher course. Having studied an online,...
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Hannah Horne
Nov 14, 20222 min read
Lahdan's Positive Pool Birth: A Hypnobirth Experience
Lahdan joined Birth Wellbeing Midwife group hypnobirthing course, online. Here she shares her birth story and tips for what she felt...
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